63rd Annual KC Gem  

  & Mineral Show

Presented by The Association of Earth Science Clubs of Greater Kansas City, Inc.


Dear Educators, Homeschoolers, and Youth Leaders,                                                                                                                                   

A unique opportunity for a first hand encounter with the world of geology, art, and craftsmanship is offered each year at the Gem & Mineral Show sponsored by the Association of Earth Science Clubs.  On March 7, 8, and 9, 2025, we will be presenting one of the best shows ever - the 63rd Annual Show at the KCI EXPO CENTER, 11730 North Ambassador Drive, Kansas City, Missouri.  The hours are Friday, 10:00 AM – 8:00 PM; Saturday, 10:00 AM – 7:00 PM; and  Sunday, 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM.  We are trying to get our future geologists, gemologists, “rockhounds”,  and craftsmen hooked and our Friday field trip attendance up!

We will have many special exhibits. Area colleges, universities, and association clubs' members will display unique specimens and collections of fossils, gems, geodes, minerals, rocks, stones, and handcrafted jewelry items.  Skilled craftsmen will be demonstrating beading, chain making, faceting, flint napping (arrowhead making), lampworking (glass bead making), lapidary (gem carving, cabochon cutting, sphere making), silversmithing, tool making, wax molding, and wire wrapping.  You can check our website closer to the show to find out more.

We wish to invite educators, Homeschoolers on Friday, and youth groups (any of the days), groups of 10 or more and classes of all ages and sizes, accompanied by adult leadership, one adult to every 10 students, to plan field trips to the show Friday, March 8 2024, for a group rate of $2.00 per person.  The hours Friday are 10:00 AM – 8:00 PM  Chaperones are asked to stay with their groups.  There will be a door prize drawing just for kids again this year.  There is the Up, Up and Away Café ready to serve the students. Youth groups are invited any of the three days.

We wish to invite the Home School Associations to plan a field trip to the show.  All Home Schoolers are asked to work together as if this were a “play” you were attending.  Have one person be in charge of getting a group (at least 10 students) together at a certain time, registering that group, and collecting all the money before the show.  You may plan to meet at the flagpole at a particular time.  The hours on Friday, March 7, are 10:00 A.M. –  8:00 P.M. Groups are asked to pre-register.  Each group should be accompanied by adult leadership, one adult to every 10 students, and will be welcome for a group rate of $2.00 per person in the group.  All money for entrance fees need to be paid in a lump sum at the door.  Chaperones are charged $2.00 as well and are asked to stay with their groups. 

There is a large area for shopping and there are some items available at most of the vendors priced for students to purchase.  There is a swap area with many items reasonably priced, especially for students.  The Association Booth has many things priced for kids.

If you are planning to attend the show, you will need to PRE-REGISTER your group, and there are a few things I need to know:

                 What is the name of your school?                                          What is your school address?

                 Who is the teacher that will be in charge?                         How many students will be coming?

                 How many chaperones will be with the group?               What day do you plan on coming?                                         

              How many “classroom” teachers with your group?        What time do you plan on arriving?                        

                 Do you plan on eating lunch at the show or will your students be bringing their lunches?

Please send me this information by e-mail to threetrails@sbcglobal.net .

There are also a few things that I need to let you know:

                 All money for entrance fees needs to be paid in a lump sum at the door. 

                 There must be ONE chaperone for every TEN students.  Students must stay with their chaperones.

Students need name tags with their names and the name of School.              

There will be many items for sale; students might want to bring money.

As an educator, you will be pleasantly surprised at the quality and value of the experience we provide for the young people to learn about and appreciate our "Earth Treasures."   I hope to see you at the Show.  Thank you for your cooperation in all matters!


Kara M. Paris (School Groups Chairperson)

for questions e-mail me threetrails@sbcglobal.net

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